Sunday, February 28, 2010

Its in the water...

To all you adoptive families, either with children home or still waiting, don't you wish people would jokingly advise others to not drink the water or they may suddenly end up adopting??  Wouldn't it be awesome if instead of being the only person at work going through the adoption process, several coworkers were all adopting at the same time?  What if you could compare paperchases, timelines, weight gained from major stressed out eating, fingerprinting woes, homestudy tales, and all the like with your friends in Sunday School?  How much fun would it be if you walked into Babies R Us to register for a shower for your soon to arrive child and the computer didn't ask for your due date, but your "expected travel date"?  What if people could see the look on your face and say "My you are just glowing little momma, how  is  your dossier collection going" and then they'd lovingly pat the huge 3 ring binder you keep all your adoption paperwork in?  Ahhhh, I can dream of the world being something like that, can't I? 


Here is a picture of the shirt I'm going to order.  It is a really cute long-sleeve, brown shirt.  Would it be considered tacky if I wore it to Hudson's finalization in a few weeks????  What do you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. Hehe...cute shirt! I love so many of your quotations...I'm going to specifically use (this week) the one about "glowing with adoption paperwork" and "don't drink the water." I love those!!! I agree totally that it would be so fantastic if that was the things we were hearing all the time. Pretty sure you need to come visit our small group from church, pretty sure if you haven't adopted or aren't in the process you are kind of feeling out of's so funny and wonderful. I sometimes wonder what visitors think when they come and see all these kiddos running around from the nations.
    Good post!
