Tuesday, February 2, 2010

14....NO WAY!!!!!

In honor of Carter's birtday, here is a throwback picture to when he was 8yrs old!  I dont have any baby pics scanned in on this computer.  Darn, cause he was gorgeous!!  In an effort to not be overly dramatic, I'm just gonna keep this simple.  At 1128am, 14 years ago, Carter was born.  It was an icy night and we slid our way to the hospital.  He was perfect in every way.  I loved being pregnant, loved giving birth, loved having him.  I was a dumb, young mom who made lots of mistakes and didn't enjoy every second with him.  OH, what I'd give to have a do-over and spend one day cradling my newborn again.  But, alas, we don't have do-overs in real life.  Instead, we learn and grow and  hopefully, don't repeat those same mistakes.  Carter, you are a blessing!  All I ever wanted to be was a mommy.  You are funny, smart, handsome, sensitive and a mighty warrior for Jesus.  Our prayer for you is not that you'd be cool, go to a good college and get a "good job", make money and be happy.  Our prayer is that  you'd be a servant, that you'd follow Jesus wherever He leads you and live a life of true significance.  We can't wait to see how God uses your life to change people and the world someday!  Happy Birthday.

A funny on me....
  So, Sunday morning I was preparing to speak to our Adult Bible Fellowship class about my trip to Haiti.  I guess it was heavy on my mind.  Sunday evening I was doing the dishes and got Hudson's sippy cup out of his backpack that he'd taken to church nursery.  I died laughing when I saw it.  We always write his name on the cup before going to nursery.  Guess what I wrote instead of Hudson???  "HAITIAN"  It was hilarious!!

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