Thursday, February 18, 2010

Toddlers are crazy, and a word to encourage you

Last night we were eating dinner.  I noticed Hudson's nose was boogery(is that a word?).  This is nothing out of the ordinary as our whole family, Hudson the worst, has been hacking, sneezing, and suffering from allergies for about a month.  As dinner went on, I noticed him touching his nose a lot.  I finally got a close look.  It wasn't boogers!
Each nostril had an elbow macaroni noodle perfectly shoved up in them!!!!  Now, fortunately for my husband, I'm a nurse.  And, I worked in an ER for several years.  I've dug things out of kid's noses and ears before.  Another fortunate thing is the fact that Hudson has a tiny pug nose.  I was able to pull the nose back and grab the noodles with tweezers
So, there ya go!  Another fun episode of life in our family :)

Now, on a not so disgusting note, I'd like to encourage you all.  God spoke to me when I was doing my morning Bible reaading today.  I think somebody out there will be uplifted by what He revealed to me.  I read a Daily Bible and it is several Old Testament chapters, a New Testament passage, and a Psalm.  This way you read the Bible through in  year.  This morning was 2 Chronicles chapter 13.  Basically the people of Judah were trying to obey God.  The kingdom of Isreal were following idols.  The 2 kings came to battle and Judah had 400,000 warriors, but Isreal had 800,000 warriors.  I'd say 2:1 are pretty daunting odds!  BUT, odds don't matter when the God of the universe is on your side! 

Judah turned and saw that they were being attacked at both front and rear. Then they cried out to the LORD. The priests blew their trumpets  and the men of Judah raised the battle cry. At the sound of their battle cry, God routed Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.  The Israelites fled before Judah, and God delivered them into their hands.

Here is the way cool part.  The people of Judah had to raise the battle cry and blow the trumpet FIRST.  They had to be willing to take a risk, against all odds.  God didn't step in and deliver before they took the risk.  God wants us to be willing to go to battle for him, to be faced with 2:1 odds, to take that step of faith.  That is what faith is.  You see, we would never need faith if He delivered us before the battle started.  Take heart, be encouraged!  Raise your battle cry, blow your trumpet, step out into the unknown, stand up for God,take a risk, go on a mission trip, teach a Bible Study, move to Africa, adopt a child, foster children, give sacrifically to someone who is really needy, witness to that obnoxious person at work, live below your means so you can give away a larger portion of your income, go against the 2:1 odds, and trust your God to deliver you. 


  1. Gross! Xavier got a hershey's kiss wrapper stuck up his nose once and we had to have it pulled out in the ER! Fun times with these kiddos we have!

  2. Ok my friend.....Was God talking through you to me??? Brandon officially resigned from his job this week to pastor full time. Man, talk about a leap of faith. Pastoring comes with NO paycheck. So we are officially a 1 income family. Talk about a leap of faith. Your statement is right on!!

    And the noodle....gross....but my time is coming with my boys, I'm sure! Hudson is getting sweeter and sweeter wtih each picture you post!!

