Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pray--A miracle in the works!!!!!!!!!!

My Haiti team leader got an astonishing phone call today.  The doll baby above is the little girl they've been trying to adopt.  WELL, the orphanage she is at was awarded some emergency visas and we believe she is on her way to the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I just cannot believe this is happening.  What a precious precious miracle to come from such devastation.  Please pray all goes smoothly!

On a thankful note, I'm thankful for medical care.  Our entire family has had the stomach virus the past few days.  Dillon was over it Saturday.  Starting yesterday, he'd wail in pain and hold his lower right side.  During the night, he'd be fast asleep and begin wailing.  He'd walk hunched over, guarding his right side.  Our pediatrician sent him to the children's hospital er thinking appendicitis.  After 7.5 hours(it was packed there!!!!!!!), we are home.  Dillon does not have appendicitis.  He has an inflamed omentum, whatever that means(apparently they saw it on sonogram and it is off the liver).  With fluids and rest, he should be good as new in a day or two.  While sitting in the er, with his iv fluids going and tests running, I was reminded how amazingly blessed we are to have access to specialized children's medical care.  I sure saw first hand how the children of Haiti have none! 

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