Monday, January 4, 2010

Haiti update #3

We were shocked last night when the phone rang and Libby’s voice was on the other end of the line! It was crackly and her voice came and went, but it was so good to hear from her. She said that the team is doing well and that she misses home, but she is still glad she’s there. The team is staying at an orphanage and she’s already connected with a special little friend—a six-year-old boy who is deaf. Libby knows a bit of sign language, and she said this made his day! He looks for her whenever she’s around.

Yesterday the team worshipped at the orphanage church plant, played with the children there, sorted through shoeboxes, organized medical supplies and bagged vitamins/medicines for distribution.

Today they cross the river to a remote village, Bellvue, to do a medical clinic and distribute shoeboxes. The team leader, Christi, asks for prayer for revival through the worship and sharing of the word. As you may know, Haiti is a dark place spiritually, and many Haitians practice the voodoo religion. Spiritual warfare is real, so thanks for your prayers.

This morning I was reading in Matthew 4:12-25 how people dropped what they had to follow Jesus and how large crowds flocked to experience the hope and healing he brought to their world. Join with me in praying that the Haiti team will also bring hope and healing to a dark land, and that these men and women who “left their nets and boats” to follow and serve will not only experience God’s great protection and provision, but will experience the joy of being used by God in very special ways.

The kids and I are doing great.  My mom is keeping the little boys (Dillon and Hudson) for a day, which is a fun break for them.  Abby and Carter start back to school today.  All's good on the homefront!


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