Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Pledge :)

Here is a flashback funny.  Abby is so quite and easy that I don't talk about her much.  Well, she made one of the funniest transracial adoption sayings I've ever heard.  When she was in kindergarten she began learning the pledge of allegiance.  She is super duper smart and this made total sense in her mind.  Here is what she said.
             I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America
             One Asian, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

We would tell that story over and over and just laugh! We try very hard to teach the kids racially appropriate terms and obviously, she'd heard the word Asian before.  The word nation wouldn't have meant anything to her!

By the way, she was and is stunningly beautiful.  So, for a smile, here is a picture of her from 5 yrs ago when she was 5yrs old.

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