Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New parenting lows!

Hhhmmm, I've gotten a bit lazy with my 4th child.  I used to be so careful and strict to follow all the rules.  I'm famous for carrying baggies of sliced apples and carrots in the car so we have healthy snacks.  However, desperate times call for desperate measures right??
  This afternoon we waited in one of Dillon's specialist's office for an hour and 45minutes before ever seeing him.  We were at wits end.  Afterward, we went to the snack bar.  Hudson had a sippy with a little water left in it.  Dillon picked out a can of Diet Coke(his favorite).  I admit this huge blunder as a parent--go ahead, call our social worker and inform her :)

                                        I poured Diet Coke into the water in the sippy and handed it to Hudson. 

Gasp!  Hey, he was  happy and I was exhausted.  So sue me.

Yes, I realize that 2 months ago we bought 4 brand new white porcelain caps for Hudson's previously rotten teeth(he came with those from Korea--I'm not taking responsibility for those).

I promise never to do it again.

Any of you mom's of many done something so horrible???  Please tell me you have!


  1. NO WAY I would ever do ANYTHING like this!! Diet Coke is gross... Now if it was a real Coke, that would be a different story. :) In the end, we do what we have to do. He was happy and that is worth a lot!

  2. Love this post! Yes, we all have those moments. Check out MckMama's "Not Me Monday" at
    Its a favorite for me!
