Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Yes, he really is that CUTE!

So, here is Hudson, age 2 wearing mismatched PJ's and his sister's headband.  I'm sorry folks, you may think your little boy is cute, but this one takes the cake ;)  Hudson has been home 3.5months and is amazing us everyday.  He is happy, plays with little cars all day saying "Beep Beep", he is affectionate, smart, funny.  Mike and Hudson have a game where Mike makes a funny face and Hudson copies it.  Hudson is a little parrot and copies everything we say.  Today he had a big doctor appt for our post placement(complete with 3 vials of blood, a TB test and 3 shots).  In 3 months he has grown 3/4 inch and gained a pound.  We feel like we won the kid jackpot.  Frequently, we get the patronizing old saying "You guys are doing something so great for those kids."  HA!  Wrong--WE are the ones blessed.  Adopting children is not a hardship or call to suffer, it is an honor. 

Isaiah 1:17 (New International Version)
  learn to do right!
Seek justice,

encourage the oppressed.

Defend the cause of the fatherless,
plead the case of the widow.

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