Sunday, December 13, 2009

I think I was in heaven this morning :)

I know, 2 posts in one day, do I have nothing to do but blog???  I am just so pumped I have to share.  Today was about the best day of church ever!  Mike taught an amazing lesson in Bible Fellowship(Sunday School) on the meaning of the Old Testament Feasts and how they are fulfilled in Jesus in the New Testament.  It was so mind-blowing to see how brilliant and detail oriented God was and is.  Then church service was our Christmas musical.  It wasn't a typical sit down and watch the choir sing Christmas music.  It was for participation--not just spectators!  I cried the whole time.  There were songs by the Praise Kids, songs by the Student Ensemble, Worship Choir, complete with drums and a rockin out electric guitar.  My friends' kids dressed as Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, and wise men(kids in Christmas musicals always make me cry!).  Within 2 rows of us was a Puerto Rican couple, a Brazillian family, an Indian family, a bi-racial(African American and Caucasion) family, and us.  WOW!  I just grinned thinking it looked like heaven is going to look:  peoples of all nations, including children singing, standing, praising Jesus.
AND, my brother-in-law called and offered Mike and Carter free tickets to see the Cowboys play in the new stadium.  Carter was beside himself with excitement.
Have a great day everyone.

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