Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 2 early morning

A few more things I wanted to add, and since I'm up, why not? Hudson is HUGE! I picked him up and he is a ton of bricks. To my friends at work: I'm thinking at least size 2T.

Abby is treated like a little celebrity here. She gets special favors and strangers pat her head. We took a taxi to the cable car ride and when we paid, I handed him a tip and he refused, pointed at Abby and said "ice cream." An older man kept trying to make Abby sit in the last available seat on the subway(we were standing as were about 14 thousand other people!). She repeatedly shook her head no, she wanted to stand! All this is getting old for her(and it has only been 1 full day). She was very quiet yesterday evening. I think she is processing some very grown up questions in her little head. Seeing all these people in their Korean culture and her feeling totally out of the loop is sure to bring up identity questions. That is okay, we certainly stand with her in searching out how she fits into being Korean, and yet being 100% American at the same time.

About Eastern Social Welfare Society===if you have any heart for children, please make donations to this amazing place. You can go to Orphancare International's website and donate(choose Korea from the countries). They run 7 shelters for unwed mothers, a domestic and international adoption program, a home for disabled children(both physical and mental) who will never be adopted, community centers, senior centers and a small babies hospital for the children being placed into foster care. Unfortunately, Korea is very scared of H1N1 and the babies home and home for disabled children are closed to visitors. We had wanted to visit these with Abby soooooo badly!!! The babies home is right next to our guest room and we can hear many many newborns crying in there. It breaks our heart to realize that there are 3 rooms full of babies right next to me, crying and needed a mom and dad of their own.

A message for my sister M and her husband B who are foster parents to my darling angel neice J(who we sooooo hope they get to adopt): Your selfless gift of your hearts and time humbles me. People are always telling Mike and I "you guys are special" and other blah blahs like that. What you two do is truly amazing! Seeing Hudson with his foster mother yesterday, and watching her wipe her tears as she tried to sneak out of the room so we could be alone with him for a moment, then Hudson wailing and looking for her, and her coming in and rescuing him from us and snuggling him up, showed me what a powerful ministry you guys have!!!! Keep on loving God's little children who need a sweet and safe family, even if it is only for a few months.


  1. I will never be able to emphathize, but Abby has all of my heart and sympathy as she makes her way through a country that is truly her home. She must be in such culture shock at the given moment, and when the time comes that she processes it blessed she will be to have you both to turn to :) What a snuggle bug Hudson will be!!

  2. We stayed in the room right next to the babies as well! So cute and prayers for you all this week!
