Wednesday, June 16, 2010

cause he's just that cute

Dear God,
Ya know how Psalm 139 verse 14 says that you've made us fearfully and wonderfully?  Well, I want you to know you hit this one out of the ballpark!  This chubby cheeked Korean gem is a masterpiece!!!
Hudson is so funny.  He is totally different than our other 3 kids.  He's a wild and crazy kind of dude, not afraid of trying stunts, loves to go fast, is loud, talks incessantly and when you say "Hudson, hush" he whispers the same words he was yelling at you.  He is super duper stubborn--you know the type--the kid who slowly sticks his finger out to touch whatever you just told him not to touch?  All the while, making eye contact with those gorgeous black eyes.  He is a night owl.  That is so different from my others.  For the most part, our family goes to bed early and wakes early.  At 9pm he is happy as a lark and going strong.  He is so smart and is recognizing some colors, can put together a Thomas the Tank choochoo track, says 3 words sentences.  I just can't help myself, but I bite and smooch those adorable fat cheeks all day!

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