Monday, June 14, 2010

camp stuff

I alluded to my 2 days of girls' church camp(ages 3rd-6th grade) last week.  It was fun and certainly interesting!  Here are some funny things heard at GAcamp
 When I was teaching them about persecuted Christians in North Korea and how people might smuggle God's Word over the border, one little girl had quite an idea.  She said we could put pink covers on the Bibles and write the word "Diary" on the front, leave blank pages at the beginning so the soldiers would think it was a girls' diary. :)

  The speaker was talking to the  girls about having faith.  He wanted them to answer his questions and prompted them with
                                "Peter walked on water by"......the girls answered Faith!
                                 "Abraham moved away from his homeland by"...... the girls answered Faith!
                                 "Noah built an ark by"............ the girls answered Himself!
We grown ups really cracked up at that.

Overheard when walking behind 2 girls "Would you rather have a cabin near the auditorium or cafeteria?"   The other girl answered "cafeteria"

I was asking a girl if she liked the speaker.  She replied that she did and elaborated as to why.
"You know how some preachers go on and on?  She gets to the point and makes it simple so you understand, and she's funny."  I hear  ya little one, loud and clear!

I watched my sister-in-law work with the girls and I, once again, realized I'm not gifted in the area of children's ministry.  I mean, I had fun and I loved teaching the girls about God's call on all of our lives to be about His work and missions.  But, the constant mothering and interaction with 26 girls was exhausting.  At bedtime, Shana would work the room, hugging and telling them all "night night baby."  No lie, I was laying on my bunk, iPod in my ears, thinking "would you all please just hush and go to sleep!?"   Put me on a plane to a thirld world country with my backpack and I'm cool--put me as a sponsor in a cabin with 26 girls and this woman is whooped.  Good thing the Bible reminds us that we all have an important part in God's economy, each person is gifted in special ways.  Hats off to everyone of you out there who faithfully serve children.

Now, for the kicker.  We were having night-time prayers when a sweet little girl raised her hand and said "Mrs. Shana, there's a snake on the window."  YEP, a big S.... N....A.....K....E was slithering on the outside window pane.  There are no blinds, just frosted glass but,dude, we could clearly see this 4.5ft disgusting demon of a creature!  Apparently Shana was supernatural filled with speed and agility cause she bolted out in the dark and ran to the first aid cabin while I stayed and pretended it was no big deal to calm the girls.  Men came and took care of the snake issue.  I dreamt about boa constrictors all night ;)                    

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