Wednesday, April 18, 2012

cracking me up and inspiring me

Hudson has quite the exclamation to things:  "Cinders and Ashes!"  This is due to his obsession with Thomas the Tank Engine.  So, instead of exclaiming with wow or cool or goly gee, he says "cinders and ashes!"

Dillon copied his memory verse in Growth Groups as church Sunday.  It tickled me so much that I took a picture and am blogging about it. 
It should say In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33b.  The reason I love Dillon's rendition so much is that it says "in this world you will have! I have overcome the world."  Yep, sister, you WILL surely have!  We don't know what all that will entail, but I do know sometimes we will have troubles, trials, joys, fun, hardships, temptations, laughter, love, anger....etc.  Dillon's version is totally appropriate.  In this world, you will have!!  And, guess what, no matter what the blank after the have is, Christ has overcome.  If you are follower of Jesus Christ, you already have the matter what!  Precious precious.

In a few days I'll share my big news and the amazing story of it all.  And no, we aren't adopting again, and no, I'm not pregnant!

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