Wednesday, February 29, 2012


so sick
pretty sure I have the flu
tons of homework and I'm speaking at a Ladies Conf. this Saturday. Abby has a volleyball tourney, and our big school auction is Saturday night.  Help me Jesus.

Good gravy!!  Dillon just came in and he has fever and little red dots all over his trunk and arms and back.  Chicken pox??  It is so rare in our parts now, thanks to vaccines, that I don't remember what they look like.

Update:  flu test positive, never been so sick in my life(temp 103), thankful for my sweet and supportive man.  I work tomorrow :(
Dillon has Fifths disease and is already better.  I'm praying hard that my kids don't get the flu, or Melody's sweet kiddos because I was with them Tuesday when it was all brewing.


  1. Paxton had chicken pox. Just a few spots on his back. Not fun. Prayers that you all feel better soon!

  2. Hope you feel better soon!! And I hope Dillon is doing better too!!

  3. Are you feeling any better?? I've been praying for you:( I know you don't have time to be down!
