Monday, February 20, 2012

The book you must have, no ifs, ands, or buts...

Guys:  I'm absolutely head over heels with my new book "7 An experimental mutiny against excess."  Seriously, the author must have been living in my brain the last several years.  I made our family do an "Africa Day" 3 years ago.  We decorated with signs that Abby made.  We only ate rice and drank water the whole day(okay, we cheated that night--weenies we were!).  Only thing, Jen Hatmaker is hilarious!!!!  Page 34, when she describes her difficulties fasting from coffee for a month made me guffau out loud and cry.  Carter asked me what could be so funny in a book?  This is coming from the teen who would rather jab thorns in his eyeballs than read a book. A big shout out to Meredith, my blogworld friend, who told me about this book.  If any of you have or are reading it and are launching your own journey to excess reduction and Jesus increase, please email me or leave a comment.  I'd love to hear your testimony.
And, just to make you smile, and since it sort of relates to what I'm talking about in the fore-mentioned book, standing up for justice and speaking up for those who can't speak for themselves,
here is a sneak peak of the new foster angel that my sis and her hubby are giving a loving, warm, and fun home.  He is 2 months old and his birth story is a true disaster.  I wish I could show you his eyes.  Great big and full of life.  My dad received a prophetic word from God that this baby would overcome his beginnings and has a big life ahead of him.

1 comment:

  1. I feel sorry for your kids...I can't imagine what's coming! ba ha ha!!!
