Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do short term mission trips help or hurt? Part 2

Been pondering the past few days about this subject.  I sure appreciate the words of Julie and Sunny.  Basically, I think we can learn very useful tips from this book and line of thought.  Tips to make our endeavors more meaningful to the people we are attempting to reach, and, to help us too. 
1.  The authors make a very good point about the differences in cultures.  Americans tend to think in chunks of time--time must be spent wisely doing tasks.  The majority of empoverished people groups have a more community mindset.  Time spent with people is more important than accomplishing a task.  So, we must be careful to show the people we enjoy them as people--not as a check off task to accomplish as many tasks during 1 or 2 weeks as possible.  My brother-in-law heard of a church in Mexico that tore down their building each year and would have churches come in to build and paint.  The Americans wanted to build, not BE with the people.  It was a good pat on the back to fly home and tell people they'd spent a week sweating and building for this poor church.
2.  Make a long-term investment instead of blowing through like a 3-ring circus and never showing up again.
3.  Call your trips a "learning  or vision trip" instead of Mission trip.  We often have the mindset of "let's go rescue and save".  This is insulting to the people.
4.  Come alongside organizations that are already established and doing an effective, long-term ministry.
5.  Make the person traveling overseas work hard to pay for a part, if not all, of his/her trip.  Handing someone a trip that costs him/her little will not be as meaningful.
6.  From my own personal experiences, the best part is seeing how big the world is and how big God is!  There is nothing like being in a different land and hearing people sing hymns in their language.  God is active and working, doing amazing miracles, all over the world.

So, WHY go?
I have one little response to share.  I follow the blog of a mom who is the most passionate lover of the fatherless that I've ever seen.  Linny is in Uganda right now.  She posted yesterday about falling in love with a skeletal, sick 7months old baby girl in the orphanage they were working in.  Linny spent hours praying and holding that baby who should have been a treasured member of a family. The baby mommy or daddy to rock and love her.....
you can read about her here  BABY   It is known that 26,000 children die daily from effects of poverty:  malnutrition and diarrhea from unclean water.  While I type this post, 270 children died in the world.
Isaiah 58: 6-9 says
     Is not this the kind of fasting(speaking of the Isrealites empty religious rituals) I have chosen:  to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? 
     Is it  not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-
     when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

Psalm 82:3-4 says
     Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;  maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed,
     Rescue the weak and the needy;  deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

I don't see any qualifier in those verses that exempt us from doing something.  Sure, we need  to be smart and evaluate what will be a worthy trip--not wasteful or insulting, but we must care and go.

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