Friday, February 11, 2011

the Colorado Springs caller id

This is so stupid-really
But, my stat counter, that lists the cities of visitors to my blog, shows Colorado Springs sometimes.  Then, my caller id lately has had several calls that show a number with Colorado Springs as the id--never leaves a message. 
In my imagination, it is Brady Boyd at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. I've heard him speak a few times.   He is an adoptive daddy and very involved in orphan ministry and the Wait No More campaign for foster children.

  In my imagination, he's reading my blog and calling me to come work as a consultant in orphan and adoption ministry!!  COOL huh???

I realize I'm being completely delusional!!

But, Pastor Boyd, if that is you out there, I'd love to pick your brain on how followers of Jesus are supposed to care for orphans.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe, it isn't Pastor Boyd. Maybe it's God trying to "speak" to you. Since HE can't leave a voice message, he just rings in and is following your blog. His way of telling you to follow your heart and dreams :) GO! or at least call Pastor Boyd!!
