Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nothing new

This is so weird!  I usually have a sticky note at my desk with several blog posts to work on and make an effort to space them out by several days so as not to appear I sit at the computer all day.  The past few days....quiet!  Maybe it is because the past few posts have been so darn GOOD!  Okay, not so good on my part(the writing generally screams of amateur!!!).  The good part is the amazing stories and what God is doing in people.

Potential posts swirling around in that constantly buzzing brain of mine....
   orphan care at church
   can you pray for a car?
   our school's Ministry of Construction
    but that was my baby(when you just knew you were supposed to adopt a certain child and it didn't turn out that way)
   4th grade science experiment--peeeuuuu rotten meat
   40 minutes of Pilates only burned 70 calories--what???
   Just watched a documentary called Born Into Brothels(children in the red light district in Calcutta)

Not sure what will appear....stay tuned


  1. Hadn't said hi in awhile! I'm gonna email ya soon!!! I love the upcoming post ideas, and yes....we have thought we were supposed to adopt a specific child and it ended up she wasn't ours....recently, a little girl on adoptuskids. She has a family now and that is what I take delight in, still had to have someone tell you "no" after you really felt Gods leading. And.....guess what is in our freezer?!?!?! Our credit cards!!!!! (you helped inspire me, I hate Dave Ramsey:)!!!

  2. Libby--
    Hey there! I watched Born in Brothels last year. Ben and I get requests weekly from India asking for help. We are praying for guidance. Not sure where God will lead, but know that he is working. God has opened my "eyes" to so much more this year--I'm trying to grasp what it is that He wants me to do. Keep on blogging-- I enjoy your posts! Also, keep us updated on your friends who are going from 0 to 4 this year.
