Tuesday, May 4, 2010

End of an era

My grandparents are 93 and 94.  I'm super blessed to have them around still.  They are fairly healthy and completely sharp mentally.  But, the time has come.  They have sold their home.  They've lived in a darling little 2 bedroom 1 bath white wooden home for over 50years.  It is so sad to see them pack up and move into a senior living apartment(cracks me up that the minimum age to live there is only 55 and they are 40 years past that!).  My childhood memories of holidays are in that little house.  My sister Emily and my cousins and I would sit on the swing in the immaculate back yard and sing Debbie Boone(You light up my life) and the songs from the Grease album--yep record album, not cd or dvd!  My grandmother, mom, and 3 aunts would sit around the kitchen table with JC Penney catalogs or sewing patterns, eat Fritos, and exclaim "How cute!" over the clothes.  At Christmas, my grandfather would give us kids savings bonds. 
I'll sure be sad when the movers come to move their few old belongings to a sterile apartment.  But, in a way, this is good.  This was their decision.  They get to move with dignity instead of being forced into leaving. 
My grandfather has been a bit irritable and dramatic the past week.  Saying things like "we  may as well just give up."  To them, this is the end of being independent, functioning members of society that matter.   He is a WWII vet, they have very sharp minds, tell stories of the Depression, remember all the grandkids' birthdays and are amazing people.  What a wonderful heritage we have!

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