Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just sayin...

I'm not trying to be controversial, just kind of thinking out loud. Is your church adoption friendly?  I know lots of churches are hesitant to stand for a "cause" or come across as endorsing a social issue.  But, my friends, caring for orphans is not a cause or social issue, it is a Biblical mandate.  Did you know there are over 60 verses in the Bible that speak about caring for the fatherless and orphaned?  And, adoption is the ultimate  picture of the gospel.  In Adopted For Life  Russel Moore states
"Who better than those who know Christ to welcome the all-too-often unwanted and discarded among the world's orphans?  After all, our God himself gathers together "the lame" and "those who have been driven away" and makes "a strong nation" of those who were "cast off" (micah 4:6-7).  Jesus' gospel is good news for the sick and the disabled.  In fact, they are the very ones who make up the marriage feast of our Christ:  "the poor and crippled and blind and lame" (luke 14:21).

When we come to faith in Jesus as Lord, we are adopted as sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father.  We were lost and had no hope.  We didn't do anything deserving of adoption.  Our Father just loved us for us and desired relationship with us.  

Another quote from Moore's book that I love talks about valuing life and diversity in our churches.  "But if people in our churches learn not to grumble at the blessing of minivans filled with children-some of whom don't look anything alike-they're going to learn not to grumble at the blessing of a congregation filling with new people, some of whom don't look anything alike.

I'm not necessarily talking about a program or orphan/adoption ministry.  I'm talking about having a healthy vibrant atmosphere at church where adoption is cause for celebration, where people who don't look like you are accepted and loved, where the church body cares for the hurting and lonely children in the world.  If all the bodies of believers, who profess Christ as Lord, took on the challenge of adopting the waiting foster children and the 146million(yes the number is increasing rapidly) orphans in the world, would we need orphanages stuffed with kids, Waiting Child Programs, and tv programs at Christmas trying to inspire people to adopt? Ouch, it is a daunting question is it not?

If you need some info:


I'd truly love to hear about how different churches in the US and around the world stand for life, defend the fatherless and oppressed.  Drop me a comment if you have a neat ministry or story at your church.

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