Sunday, April 18, 2010

First babysitting gig....check!

We actually had a couple's dinner tonight! Seriously, I'm thinking that we just may have never, since Carter's birth 14yrs ago, had a couple's dinner out. Hudson had a trace of fever so I didn't want to have a sitter come over. Plus, the expense of paying a sitter to watch Hudson, Dillon, and Abby is quite prohibitive. We began talking with Carter about his feelings of being able to handle 2 hours as the man in charge. He felt sure, that with Abby's capable contribution(heck, she's 9 going on 29), he could handle it. We would be just down the road and he could text or call with any problem, plus our sweet neighbor was informed of the plan and on standby AND the firestation is literally less than a mile from our home. We had a quick training session after lunch with all the kids at the table. If you have a 14 yr old boy, you can probably relate :)

Me: So, if someone knocks on the door and you don't recognize him/her through the peep hole, what do you do?
Carter: I'll get my machete!(we insisted they pretend they weren't home and don't open the door)

Me: If you see fire in the house, what do you do?
Carter: get the fire extinguisher(I corrected him to just get everyone outside and call 911)

Me: If Hudson begins choking on a lego, what do you do?
Carter: I'll do the Heimlich manuever! (when I inquired as to how he knew the Heimlich manuever, I was not impressed with his skill level and told him to turn him upside down and call 911 and get the neighbor.

Me: If Hudson poops in his diaper, what will you do?
Carter: leave it till you get home!!!!!

So, all was great! I didn't get a single call during dinner. Dillon was fast asleep on the couch when we got home. Hudson was not, thankfully, poopy and was very happy. I think we have passed a huge milestone and Mike and I just might get to have a little time to sneak away(okay, really close by) for a few minutes and leave Carter and Abby in charge.
Oh, and for the record,when we got home we considered testing their knowledge and disguising ourselves at the door! I know, UGLY isn't it?? ;)


  1. Oh I can't wait for those days of free sibling babysitting! And his answers were so typical of a, well I was going to say 14 year old boy, but any boy really!

  2. I'll do the Heimlich manuever! (when I inquired as to how he knew the Heimlich manuever.I think we have passed a huge milestone and Mike and I just might get to have a little time to sneak away.

    Best Attorney
