Sunday, August 25, 2013

Baby box...Dear Korea, we would love them!

This is not a new story line, but one that slaps me back into harsh reality every time I see it.  A precious pastor and church in Seoul trying to care for the helpless unwanted babies.
Because of new laws that scare birthmothers away from making an adoption plan, 280 babies have been left abandoned in the last 3yrs. These children grow up as orphans...forever alone...never part of a family.  A family like ours.  So many people would be thrilled to offer these babies a home, if the process was fair and smooth, and not insanely expensive.  OH, it kills me!!!  We have been completely smitten with our Korean born children and would be honored if God asked us to open our home to just one more.  I'd gladly give up school and keep driving my old clunker to give a priceless treasure a home.Pray with me please for justice.
photo taken from

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