Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Big D begins 4th grade

Dillon began 4th grade yesterday. I'm going to be transparent here, and likely make some of you pucker your lips in disdain.  This kid holds my heart unlike our other 3
This kid is such a precious little(actually not so little anymore) boy.  Oh, I wish everybody could spend some time with him.  He loves with complete abandon...both people and his Heavenly Father.  He tries so hard to do what other 4th grade boys do. He enjoys all sports and wants to play football, but that is out of the question for several reasons.  He tries to read, but his 5yr old brother beats him to figuring out the words before he can say it.  A cruel speech disorder robs him of the ability to clearly tell stories or sing the words to songs. He is steady, calm, funny, social, outgoing, and compliant. I've seen how he brings joy to those around him, and that is a gift!  He loves slap-stick comedy. You should see him watch his beloved Texas Rangers on tv...no matter what really happened in the game...the Rangers are always safe and they always get the "bad team" out! If 12 years ago you'd asked Mike and I our thoughts on adopting a child with life long special needs we'd likely have said "oh  no, we are not prepared for something like that." Stab me in the heart to think of saying no to this kid.  Our whole world has been changed...for the better.  Thank you Jesus for your special plan.  Because really, all of us are special needs in some unique and varying ways. But, the truth is we were all created ON purpose and FOR a purpose. Sweet Dillon, may your 4th grade year be a banner one; a year full of growing, learning, making friends, and having fun. 
Psalm 139:14 
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.