Thursday, November 8, 2012

tooting the horn...on Dillon

Sweet boy is doing so great lately!  I think his social appropriateness for his age has jumped up by a big leap.  He is getting and using sarcasm and playing little jokes on us.  His teaches report that he loves to participate in class and if he doesn't know the answer to a question, he says "oh, I forgot"!  I love it.  Dillon read a simple book to us a few nights ago and only needed help on a few words.  I think he is making great progress right now.  Unfortunately, the speech articulation disorder isn't.  When tired, his words slur so badly that it doesn't sound like he is speaking English.  But, lets celebrate the good!  He will play Upward Basketball this winter and I'm teaching him some basic skills.  Dillon will shoot and shoot and shoot the ball and never give up.  If typically developing children had half the uumph and heart that he has, they'd accomplish anything!  So proud of him.

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