Saturday, March 26, 2011

it came in the mail today

My totally rockin' and smokin' hot swimsuit.  Yeah, be jealous.  This summer I'll be sporting the dowhill-slide toward 40, mommy of many tankini and skirt. 

You know the type right?  Double lined, cute tennis-style miniskirted bottoms, bright-eat-your-heart-out-blue, bathing attire!  When I was 20, I never ever thought I'd be so excited to order my hardly showing some skin, yet ever sexy, Land's End suit.  Times have changed people!


  1. I love my Land's End swimsuit! Yep, a great suit for moms of all sizes and body types!

  2. Can I just copy and paste your blog posts??? They make me laugh out loud...and that is good medicine for the soul! Getting fingerprinted in the morning...your neck of the woods. Hope you have a great day.
