Friday, October 23, 2009

True Servants

Yesterday I was hit with a thought.  Well, really it was the Holy Spirit slapping me upside the head!  I'm a flake.  No, really, I am.  I'm a bit rebellious, I hate tradition(or doing things the same way just cause), I can't stand being told what to do.  I dream big dreams and have grand ideas but rarely follow them to completion.  Last year I started a Special Needs Adoption Support Group for this area and had 3 get togethers.  Never did anything else.  I don't commit to teaching kids at church because I don't want to be tied down(okay, in my defense, I work 1 Sunday a month).   Now, offer a big mission trip to China or something and I'm all over it.  The daily service thing:  not my cup of  tea.  I'm so glad there are people like that!  God gifts us in all different talents and personalities.  Take Mike's family for instance.  His grandma, mother, and sister have all been going to the same church for years.  His mother and grandmother have taught children Sunday School classes for at least 12-13 years, Sunday after Sunday, year after year.  They make birthday cakes for the kids.  They have Christmas parties and bring gifts for the kids.  The church leaders never have to worry about who will teach their 2 classes--they will be there.  His sister teaches GA's(have to be Baptist to know what that is) and children's choir.  His brother-in-law is a deacon and on probably every committee at the church.  Faithful, dutiful, quiet, humble servants!!  My hats off to them all!


  1. GAs! I didn't know GAs or RAs were still around. Our church does AWANAs now. Fun! Tina M.

  2. Great post Libby! We miss you guys!
    Laura Denning
