Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prayers and Paperwork

Our little man turns 16months old tomorrow!!! I bought the first package of diapers today(size 4 because he is a chunky monkey). I've been taking the mounds of paperwork in stride and haven't felt much anxiety(totally different than with our first adoption). But, the realization that he will be at least 18.5months old when we go get him is sobering. Bless his innocent little heart. For the past 15months he has lived with the only mommy and daddy he knows, his precious foster family. In a few months, two strange white people will show up taking video, taking pictures, crying, and holding him. Then, in a flash his foster family will be gone and he will be whisked away across the ocean to leave his homeland. It is very sad to think about the changes Hudson will experience. However, at least he will have a forever family. Did you know the Bible mentions taking care of the fatherless at least 40 times??? Psalm 68:5-6a says A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads the the prisoners with singing... and James 1:27a Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..
We are so darn blessed to have the privelage of parenting Carter, Abby, Dillon, and soon Hudson. I could never have dreamt of such a great life for myself. Will you join us in praying for Hudson's heart to be at peace, for him to adjust quickly, that the Holy Spirit will whisper to Hudson that we are safe and loving.
So, what's next you ask? Well, we've sent out reference letters, been fingerprinted locally, have to see our doctors and be tested for HIV, syphillis and TB--for the 3rd time! Then, we must write an update to our old autobiography from when we adopted Dillon, make an evacuation plan for our home, get employment verification, be fingerprinted by the FBI, pay the U.S. Immigration office almost 900.00 to get the okay to bring an orphaned child to the US, and things like that.
Also, please join me in praying for my sister's foster angel, baby J. She has been with them 4 months and they(hey, our entire family) are completely smitten. Yes, they want to adopt her, but most of all, they want what is best for baby J. We are praying for God to be glorified in her life and also, for M. and B. to become her forever family!
Thanks a million.
Oh, to my dear friend Frances at work: THANKS for the carseat. You are a treasure!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your updates Libby. I'm praying for Hudson and for the rest of your process.... will you take the kids with you to Korea?
