Friday, June 19, 2009

Another big step done

We found out today that Hudson has Emmigration Permission. Normally, this is the last thing to be granted before travel clearance. But, our whole process for him has been backwards since he was a waiting child and we weren't at all in the adoption process when we found him, so it only makes sense that this is too! The only 2 steps left are the BIG ones. When the US immigration office clears us, they will send notice to Korea. When Korea gets this notice, they will apply for Hudson's passport. This could all take a few weeks to a few months, you just never can tell. I did go ahead and buy several gifts for workers at Eastern Social Welfare Society in Korea. I need to get busy on some nice gifts for his foster family and for Abby's foster mother(we will be meeting up with her as well).
Could you guys pray hard for a few things? I tried fasting today. I'm such a weenie!! I fasted from when I got up at 5:20 until 2:15. I was at work and began to quiver and had the most horrible headache. Oh, I'm so ashamed of how indulged I am. Anyway, the Lord knows my heart. We need a few miracles. I'll be vague, but could you join us in praying for Mike's ankle to be healed, money for our plane tickets to Korea, and one more decision our family has to make that doesn't really need any details. Thanks everyone! You are wonderful and I wait in anticipation of what/how/when/where our God Almighty reveals himself in and through our prayers!!

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