Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Need a spark

Go to work
Do my schoolwork
Wash clothes
Take children to school
Pick children up from school
Take children to activities
Take pics of my children doing activities
Go to church
Pay bills
Eat fast food...feel a mile to counter act the fat
Plan a simple menu for the fam
And on and on and on

I'm becoming a middle-aged bore who feels tired all the time and goes through the routine

I need a spark....a creative impetus to light a fire

I  need to get out of myself and the "I" world in which we live here in suburbia (the one that is nauseatingly self-indulgent and centers around making our children's lives the most ahhh-inspiring Pinterest-worthy picture of childhood).  Lord help me, the holidays are about here!!  I'm feeling my inner Grinch starting to surface. My biggest hatred of all---blow up Harley motorcycles with Santas riding them were spotted in Lowe's last week.
Serving others...that is the only cure for this feeling about to overtake me.  Must....Step...Out...of....Comfort....Zone!!!
I ran in to a friend's father at a local restaurant.  She is in South Sudan delivering babies for women with  no access to medical care.  Now THAT sparks my interest.

Don't worry, I'm not about to jump ship and do something weird.  But, a little crazy is how Mike and I like to function :)

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