Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Another Hudson funny

I'm working on my 12 page Concept Analysis  of Immobility in the ICU paper for my grad class.  It is due next week.  Can I just say that I'm the WORST graduate student ever?!  Really, I have no motivation and put off working as long as I can.  Maybe this was a stupid idea?  Anyways...I'm sitting at my laptop--butt numb--and need a break.  So here is a Hudson funny(he is hysterical)

Last week he was in Spanish class at preK.  They were learning their colors.  Mr. Perez asked "Hudson, what is gris?"  The correct answer is gray.  Hudson piped up with "Its what comes out of a hot dog when you eat it!"  Tore the teacher up. He thought that was a classic!

1 comment:

  1. BA ha ha!!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet him! I rsvp finally, so we are all set!
