Monday, August 20, 2012

Loss and why?

This post has been swirling around in my head for several weeks. Someone near and dear to me recently suffered a miscarriage after dealing with fertility challenges.  We were all so sad for them. They are handling this pain with great faith and grace. Of course, as any normal human being, watching them made me relive our own loss journies.  The most recent, exactly 2 years ago right now, was the one that kept circulating.  Click  HERE to read that post.  The reason I wanted to write about this is to encourage and support those going through similar experiences.  I have always dealt with our losses(and our loved one's tragedies and painful experiences) with anger.  Probably not the most healthy way of dealing with hard times, but that is how I process hurt. It ticks me off so badly that those hurtful things happen to me and the people I love!!  I'm honest here, I get p... off!  Here is an excerpt from my prayer journal dated 8-17-2010 
"Sick, sick, sick.  Mad. ticked. done. angry, worried, bloated, irritable, you  name it--I'm all the above.  how can you make me walk around with all the signs and symptoms of being 9 weeks pregnat--with a dead baby?  Please God, make me pass it"
Then I move on to praying for others and their needs.  I just had to get it out.  That is what a prayer journal is, open and honest communication with my Heavenly Father.

Now, that doesn't ever diminish my faith in my God.  You see, he can handle my anger and temper tantrum.  I don't doubt his existence and sovereignty, I just want to know WHY?  Doesn't everybody want to know why? 
There is a great by Linda Dillow called Calm My Anxious Heart. Here is an excerpt:
From a human perspective, this answer is frustrating.  We want to know Why.  Surely God should explain Himself to us.  Sometiems He does, but often He does not.  God is God and He doesn't need to explain Himself.  If we could fully comprehend God, He wouldn't be God--He would be like us.  In those instances when God doesn't tell us Why, we will h ave to wait until we're in heaven for our answers.

Go buy the book.  It is a great one. 

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