Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A letter to international leaders from an adoptive family

I have no voice, no audience with influential leaders.  The only avenue at my disposal is this blog and my prayers.  If I could have a few minutes of your time, Mr. or Mrs. Powerful leader of a country, this is what I'd tell you.

The global orphan crisis is alarming. Approximately 147-163 million children in the world are without parents. Due to the AIDS crisis and extreme poverty, that number grows daily. Certainly, everyone agrees that children should grow up in their homeland speaking their native lanuage. However, sometimes circumstances are not favorable toward that goal. When birthparents cannot or are not willing to parent, and an adoptive family in the country cannot be found, children should be allowed to grow up in a family that really wants them—even if in another race, culture, and country. Unfortunately, very few countries other than the US have a favorable view of adopting children born outside of their families.  The fact is, many many countries are in this situation. My husband and I have visited over 9 countries between us and have seen this repeated around the world. We all know that pride drives many a leader’s decision-making. So, Mr. or Mrs. National Leader, please, look at what is best for the children under your care.

      You read the few media reports of families that have major problems after adopting a child.  Media sensationalizes stories. That is what sells papers or boosts website visits.  What you don’t get to read about, because the media ignores it, are families like us.  Families who love their children completely and without reservation...yes, those children that have no biological connection to us. We educate the children, care for them when they are sick.  We provide speech, occupational, and physical therapy to those with special needs.  These children have grandparents who adore them and spoil them.  They have aunts, uncles, cousins, church families, and school friends to support and cheer for them. Families, just like us, who tuck their children in to bed each night and pray with them and ask God to bless the birthparents who are surely hurting from the decisions they had to make.  We are families who teach our children to respect their homeland and heritage. We are a normal family. There is nothing super human about us, just a deep love for the child that God hand-picked to have our last name.  And guess what?  There are lots of other families who would love to provide a forever family for a child who is orphaned.  You, Mr and Mrs. National Leader have made this endeavor so frustrating, the wait so long, the paperwork so daunting, the travel requirements so imposing, and the fees so overwhelming, that many good people give up.  Is it really more optimal for the children of your country to spend their lives in institutions rather than join a family overseas?  I beg you, as a mother, search your heart and ask for God to grant you wisdom.  The children, the ones who have no mama to kiss goodnight and no daddy to give them hugs, they are who you must consider when making life-altering decisions.

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Psalm 82:3

I leave you with this.  My little boy saw a picture of a young boy who has no mother or father to call his own.  My little boy said "when can we go get him?".  I explained how hard it is to get the boy due to all the rules that some leaders made.  My son said "Awww, I want him."  You see Mr. or Mrs. Influential Leader, those children are precious.  We love them.  Do you?

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