Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hudson joins the club

The allergy induced, living in Texas, boyz in our home club that is! I took him to our sweet pediatrician this morning. He hacked and wheezed all night, despite the neb treatments. The doctor is sure it is allergy-induced asthma, nothing infective. So, we continue nebs and he will take oral steroids for 3 days--that always helps Dillon get better. The Dr. chuckled and said, "well, if he is gonna have this, at least his family knows how to take care of it!" You see, Mike has asthma and takes meds, Carter had it as a toddler, Dillon has it fairly bad and sees a lung specialist, and now Mr. Hot-tub himself. Abby and I are the only constantly healthy ones in the family--Let's hear it for the GILRZ!!

1 comment:

  1. I read all of your blogs today. I really enjoyed them. We are adopting 2 older children from Nepal...hopefully traveling around next May. I admire y'all! I'm happy to hear that Hudson is adjusting well in such a short time. We are visiting your church and saw your family introduce your newest son on Sunday and I thought to myself that little one sure is handling all of this really well!
