Wednesday, May 12, 2010

miracles of life

We have always regarded how each one of our 4 kids came into our family as a miracle and gift from God the Father.  This statement puts it into a whole stratosphere of different perspective!
An article in the Korea Herald yesterday stated that
According to the state-run Korean Women’s Development Institute, 96 percent of unmarried pregnant women receive abortions. Of those who choose to give birth, 70 percent give up their children for adoption.

I never realized how miraculous it was that my Korean born kids's birthmom's chose life.  It must have been so hard for them.  Thank you Jesus for these 4 little miracles(even if they aren't so little anymore)


  1. Isn't that statistic shocking? The birth mother's of our children are so courageous and inspiring. I'm so proud that Jee has had so many people that love him passionately in his life, from it's very beginning.

    Side note: Love the pics, your kids are precious.

  2. I had not heard those stats before. Wow. What a miracle, indeed!!

    Love the pics of your kiddos....they are beautiful!
