Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"God is doing a new thang, ya know He's doin it"

So, anyone out there my age who listened to the hip Christian rap group DC Talk back in the late 80's early 90's recognized that line!   Funny how the music we listen to stays in our brains forever(as a byword, that is a lesson we teach our kids all the time, once it is in your brain, it stays, gaurd it!!).  So anyway, God is moving folks!  Isn't it soooo much fun to see Him working in little places here and there and to start piecing the puzzle together?  This kind of scenario happens to Mike and I.  We never really get some great new revelation or dream or writing on the wall.  Usually, the Holy Spirit starts slowly toiling the garden of our hearts and minds.  He makes us more ready to hear His specific word.    I can't always see what the end result is goin to be, but it is fun to see Him at work.  I'm going to Pink Impact at Gateway Church tomorrow night.  I've looked forward to it since last March.  I don't think it is any accident that I read Jantzen's Gift last year about child slaves and human trafficking and the speaker tomorrow is Chrisitine Cain.  She is a dynamic speaker from Australia and heads up The A 21 Campaign, which fights human trafficking.  Here are a few statistics.
Trafficking in women is the second largest global organized crime today, generating approximately US $12 billion a year.
There 1.39 million victims of commercial sexual servitude worldwide.

Over 25% of these victims are trafficked from Southern and Eastern Europe.

120,000 women and children are trafficked each year into EU member states, and 90 percent end up in the sex industry.

There is an estimated 20,000 women and girls trafficked into the Greek sex industry, earning Greece the title of, "the centre of trafficking in Europe."

Tragically, only 1-2 percent of victims are rescued, and only 1 in 100,000 Europeans involved in trafficking are convicted
It is no accident that my mother recently met an Asian women who had been rescued from the sex slave industry.  It is no accident that my youngest sister, Katy, is headed to Greece in November with Christine Cain and will participate in brothel rescues.  It is no accident that my neices, on 2 separate sides of the family packed gift shoeboxes for children in Haiti and then I got a crazy last minute trip to Haiti  delivering those boxes.  It is no accident that I'm reading a new book, Adopted For Life by Russell Moore, and this was the paragraph I read yesterday.
    "Think of the plight of the orphan somewhere right now out there in the world.  It's not just that she's lonely.  It's that she has no inheritance, no future.  With every passing year, she's less "cute," less adoptable.  In just a few years, on her eighteenth birthday, she'll be expelled from the orphanage or from "the  system."  What will happen to her then?  Maybe she'll join the military or find some job training.  Maybe she'll stare at a tile on the ceiling above her as her body is violated by a man who's willing to pay her enough to eat for a day,"
Do you see where this all stems from?  This world doesn't value life!  This world views children as a burden, special needs people as defective, the elderly as a drain on society, the poor as stereotypical welfare nuisances, ethnic minorities as people to be avoided and kept on the other side of the tracks, women as objects for throw away pleasure.
It's sick isn't it?  Man, I'm so pumped about this conference.  I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Crying about the R. Moore paragraph. Dang, I hate this opens my eyes up way too much.

    Wish I could come to the conference, it sounds amazing.
