Sunday, December 27, 2009

Some battles you must win

Two year olds are something, aren't they?  Adorable, curious, sweet, kissable, funny, and STUBBORN!  Right before leaving Korea, Hudson's foster mother told us to be careful because Seong Cheol is curious and obstinate.  She was right on.  Tonight Hudson and I had an epic battle of wills.  I was taken back 13 years to when I read The Strong Willed Child by Dr. Dobson for Carter.  For the 896th time I told Hudson "We don't drive toy cars on table, cars go on the floor, say Yes Mam."  Now, I know there are some of you thinking I'm a super meanie for insisting on this cherub saying Yes Mam when he has only been here and hearing English for almost 4 months.  The thing is, he copies everything we say and I totally knew he understood.  He dug in.  You could see it in his eyes.  No way was he going to say yes mam.  So, being the peaceful and patient woman I am, I dug in too.  I placed his face to the wall about 2 feet from where I was standing and said "Say yes mam and you can come over here."  He shook his head and tears squirted out of his eyes.  This went on for about 10minutes.  Then, I went to get Dillon in the bath tub and left Hudson at the wall.  About every 3minutes or so, I'd come back and tell Hudson so say yes mam and he could leave the wall.  Wailing and gnashing of teeth!  Now I know how much Hudson loves bathtime so I enticed him by saying "Do you want to take a bath with Dillon?"  To which he piped up "Bath!"  I told him to say yes mam and he could take a bath--WAIL!  Again and again with Hudson saying "Bath!" but refusing to dare say yes mam.  Mike got out the video camera to record our war of wits.  Wouldn't you know it, as soon as he started recording, Hudson says "yeah, man".  There ya have it.  He said it!  So, I put  him in the bath and he was great the rest of the night.  In fact, it was a miracle.  He laid down, after bottle and snuggles, and went to sleep without the usual drama of flopping, snorting, getting up 5 times, kicking and such.  He peacefully went to sleep.  I'd like to think it was because of my supreme parenting, but more realistically, he was just worn out ;)

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH!!! Nearly the exact thing happened to my little toot and I the other day. I'm going to the bookstore TOMORROW to get "Strong Willed Child". I read it with my first and will be reading it again. His was a "don't touch that" battle of the wills. He looked me STRAIGHT in the eyes while he was using his pointer finger to touch exactly what I had just said not to touch. Another book I love is "Don't make me count to 3" Ginger Plowman and "Shepherding a Childs Heart" by Ted Trip.

    I'm sure the sleep and sweetness can totally be attributed to fantastic parenting :) Take credit when you can.
