Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Everyone's growing up!

I decided it was time to do a general update.  Hudson has been home 4.5months!  The 4 pics are his referall pictures from Korea.  Really, he is meshing in with the other children beautifully.  I know the first month was super duper hard, but I can't believe how easy it has been.  He loves to play with Hot Wheels cars.  He says "Up, more, please, milk, eat, Mommy(which is for both Mike and I), CaCa(for Carter), Abby, Uh-oh, Uh-Uh(which is his answer to any and every question), bye bye".  He even remembers some Korean.  I'll say "Omma popo" which is Kiss Mommy in Korean and he will kiss my cheeck.  Hudson is funny and follows me around jabbering and singing.  What a special treat he is.  We have a court date to finalize his adoption March 19th.  After that, I can apply for a SSN for him.  We won't be able to get the huge federal adoption tax credit yet since he isn't finalized.  I'll be looking forward to next year's tax return for sure(Can you say Cancun for mommy and daddy???)!  As for sleeping arrangements, well, he is still on the pallet in our bedroom.  A few days after I got back from Haiti we decided to try putting him to bed in Dillon's lower bunk.  It went amazingly well.  He didn't cry and went right to sleep.  Mike and I were so excited!  Several hours later, I was awakened by  crying.  I ran into the bedroom and poor Hudson had slipped into the tiny space between the bed and wall.  He was trapped waist down and wailing.  When I got to the room, Carter said "Finally" from his bedroom.  I asked Carter how long Hudson had been crying and he said "forever".  I said "Carter, why didn't you get him?"  Carter replied "I was dreaming I was trapped in the rubble."  We'd been watching CNN before bedtime.  I felt so awful for Hudson being stuck and crying that we haven't tried it since!  I'm going to get a bedrail to prevent that from happening next time.

Abby is getting so big(literally-I think she is the size of an 11yr old).  She is smart and content and starts girl's volleyball next month.  She always is playing with friends.

Carter is nearly 14 which blows my mind.  Oh, don't act like I told this or he'll kill me, but he shaved last week for the first time.  Mike taught him how and after wards Carter exclaimed "that feels so much better!"  Personally, I never saw any hair to begin with :)  His picture is missing on here because he was embarrased  that I posted the picture of him and Dillon playing the guitars last week--teenagers!  He is saving to buy his uncle Kyle's truck when he turns 16.  I'm proud of how much he has saved already. Of course, I have to take the cash straight to the bank or it will burn a hole in his pocket if left for long.  I've been warning him for 2 months that the day he turns 14, he begins doing his own laundry!  We'll see what happens.

Dillon is feeling much better.  He lost a top tooth last week(as the above photo shows).  He is happy at school.  He will play spring baseball in a few months. Dillon loves to sing and play his little guitar.  Carter gave him an old microphone and boy does he put on a show!

As for Mike and I, we are trying to keep our heads above water.  Mike should be preparing to jump back into the doctoral program beginning in June.  The only problem is, he doesn't want to!  He is praying for wisdom and guidance but just really does not feel an strong purpose in going. 

I'm finishing up another great book "The Autobiography of George Muller."  He was a missionary in the 1800's who set out to prove you can have a growing ministry and trust the Lord for everything.  He had a Bible institution, several day schools and 3 orphanages.  He never once asked for money or told people the state of the ministries finances.  Through prayer, he relied on God.  I'll share some of his quotes later.  I bought a new Pilates DVD to start exercising again.  I haven't run in months and feel like a bowl of jello.  My mom and sisters and I are planning another "Outard Focused Life" event to give out diapers and home-made fleece scarves in a low income neighborhood next month.

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